A New Perspective For The Day

25 Aug

A New Perspective For The Day

My constant response to very day greetings “How are you?”  99% of times is I am very blessed. One percent would be “doing great.” Often it surprises many people as it is not a conventional response. Some accept it and others take it with a pinch of salt (as if I care 🙂 ). Some people are really under pressure and if you ask them how are they, they begin with fine, thank you, Alright etc. If few are honest and feel they can open up they’ll begin with all the things that bothered them in an ordinary day. DG usually asks them how about if they being with counting 3 good things that happened. The quick response usually is nothing good happened. DG wonders why can’t they see that they are alive, their bodies and faculties are working fine without medical or any other assistance and they are fortunate enough to read and write. May be we take these blessings for granted and not worthy of celebrating. If we go little further we can extend it to our families, our parents, siblings or children are healthy and safe, so what if they are going through hard time or are not succedding on the socially expected parameters. Please look atIHM how she is finding  her blessings in her loss. Personally Desi Girl has to celebrate these blessings every minute because she has had quite a few brushes with death and disability. 

Desi Gir had no intentions for writing another post for this month. Just now IK sent this to me, she received it from Jiwan Shakti Kaur, a Kundalini Yoga Teacher from Boston. For her information please google her name. Once DG has it on her hands she’ll include the link here.



A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet.  He held up a sign which said: “I am blind, please help.”  There were only a few coins in the hat.



 A man was walking by.  He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat.  He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words.  He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

 Soon the hat began to fill up.  A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.

That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were.  The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, “Were you the one who changed my sign this morning?  What did you write?”



The man said, “I only wrote the truth.  I said what you said but in a different way.” I wrote: “Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it.”






Both signs told people that the boy was blind.  But the first sign simply said the boy was blind.  The second sign told people that they were so lucky that they were not blind.  Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?



Moral of the Story:

Think differently and positively
Be thankful for what you have..
Be creative.  Be innovative.  .
When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile.
Face your past without regret.
Handle your present with confidence.
Prepare for the future without fear.
Keep the faith and drop the fear.
The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling…
And even more beautiful, is knowing that you are the reason behind it!!!

If you appreciate this message, please share. You may touch someone’s heart today and forever.

Enjoy your week with a heart of gratitude.


 It is not that DG doesn’t have her bad days but she gives herself permission to be pissed off for 5, 10 or 30 minutes as the need be never more than that. She learned this from a woman whose story appeared on Oprah’s show, she was young and very beautiful at 19 in a car accident she lost her face and body, she gives her self 5 minutes a day to be sorry for herself  (Sorry her name I don’t remember so could not find any references) DG has her personal heros to look up to meet Nick, he gives her push to try again when she doesn’t want to, Mattie, who saw beauty even in death, Seth who taught her how not to react because two wrongs do not make a right. Every person she interacts on any given day teaches her something about life or just about herself. She definitely knows if she starts complaining there will be 100 people more than willing to change places with her. So she has nothing to complain about… Then there is IK who would not even let DG use the word idiot for any one… Last week DG started counting her blessings on her 108 prayer beads, she tried to name and thank every person who touched her life in any meaningful way, she had to repeat the beads many times… There are countless blessings she can’t ever count them in this life time…


Desi Girl 


10 Responses to “A New Perspective For The Day”

  1. Anil Singhal January 7, 2013 at -05:0001 #

    I’m blessed to be connected to you.. and this blessed ness – let is spread..


  2. A September 10, 2010 at -04:0009 #


    I’m blessed. I read beutiful lesson Ms Life

    Welcome to GGTS, a safe space.
    Please share this message of hope with anyone who may benefit.
    Desi Girl


  3. Bikram September 3, 2010 at -04:0009 #

    WHERE ARe you


  4. pinku September 1, 2010 at -04:0009 #

    lovely post Desi girl….u have a lovely approach to life…keep it this way always..

    Welcome to GGTS, a safe space.

    Please share this message of hope with anyone who may benefit.

    Desi Girl


  5. restless August 30, 2010 at -04:0008 #

    Hi! You are so right. A msg like this should be kept in mind each morning when we start our day. Truly we are blessed ppl, but never realise it.



  6. Shail Raghuvanshi August 26, 2010 at -04:0008 #

    Dear V,
    Such a lovely piece of emotion, something we all need to realize in today’s world. I am so glad that you wrote this. God only knows how much we need of this – this ability to see the good things we have in life, to be grateful, to feel blessed.

    Have a lovely day!


  7. preetidutta August 26, 2010 at -04:0008 #

    I always smile when you say I am very blessed ..and i shared this article to all my frends who have been complaining of life lately … and we talked about it last night how we complain about stress at job and ignore the blessing of having a highly paid job , how we cpmplain about long traffic hours and not thank that we have some place to go every day. we complain about being in a relation , or the lack of it , of being away from parents or being controlled by them … we forget to count our blessings in the litle problems.

    if only we could take life with open arms and a smile , we will feel blessed every moment ..thanks for this wonderful thought ..I am feeling very blessed 🙂


  8. Tbg August 26, 2010 at -04:0008 #

    Profound. Food for thought.


  9. Bikram August 25, 2010 at -04:0008 #

    bahut hi wadhiya likhiya … swaad aa gaya padh ke …

    indeed perspective changes everything …. glass is half full or Glass is half empty makes the whole difference..

    in our busy lives we have forget that we indeed our blessed to wake up to the new day ..

    nice one


  10. Haresh August 25, 2010 at -04:0008 #

    Wonderful story.

    Perspective changes it all 🙂


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