DG’s Radar

On the suggestion from @IHM, DG is taking her gbuzz to next level. On this page she’ll post news links that force her to scratch her head. Her one-liners are open for comments. 🙂 She’ll try to be as regular as she is on gbuzz. 🙂 ENJOY




Dads’ household duties worth less than moms’

Mommy can kill the spiders too. Daddy get moving do some more chores…

The study found the domestic tasks would total about $20,248 a year if they were paid work. That compared to $60,182 annually for moms for doing things such as cooking, cleaning and nursing wounds. The value of the work was based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for how much similar jobs out in the real work world would pay.



Study: 1 in 5 American children lives in poverty

Young people across the ocean often ask DG if there are poor people in the US. Here is te latest piece of research.



Malta votes on whether to legalize divorce

Wao, they really believe in till death do us apart. The only way to get out of marriage is to kill or get killed…



He injected gasoline, chilli powder and many more things into her cervix to abort her unborn child.
Does the law have a befitting punishment for this man??
For your information, he is a policeman.


Mommy O mommy tu kab saas banegi…

Mother’s choice crucial for selecting life-partner: Survey

Mothers of prospective brides are insisting couple’s know each other before tying the knot, a great change they do not want their daughters to relive mothers’ experience.

Guess, the 2% that feel it is not important at all to let their children know their partner well before marriage are mothers of men and they also belive it is not important at all to let them know each other even after marriage.



Another daughter-in-law on sit in…



What a shame farmers are committing suicides and poor are dying of hunger and country is burning the produce to cover up it’s apathy…



Having two daughters is the secret to domestic bliss

May be in another world and in another place not desi heaven



What’s the true value of a stay-at-home mother?

Calculative for yourself.



Was it right to kill Bin Laden? Ethics of assassination



Our ladies at CSA awareness month are doing a great job here is an important link for you all to share

This happens because we consider women and children as dispensable. Please raise your voice and consider every child as your child.



Sali aadhi ghar wali, is a popular phrase in Hindustani. It approves of sexual overtures by a woman’s husband towards her sister. Women are considered indispensable in patriarchal marriage and family. If a woman dies in child bed her sister is replaces her in the marriage bed. If a woman fails to have children or male child(ren) her sister is offered as an exchange to her husband.

If nothing works then a blot on humanity (unfit to be called human or man) gets down to this

Spurned lover injects girl with HIV-positive blood



Dai Qingcheng, Chinese Man Who Raped 116 Women, Appeals Death Sentence

Here is this scum pleading for a lesser sentence or not guilty, as if he was doing women a favor.

Dai is described as an unlikely rapist. “He is kind of short, introverted and honest looking and I wouldn’t relate him to such atrocities by his appearance,” Ming Tian, his lawyer, told the China Daily. “He doesn’t communicate with people much but he treats his family well and most villagers thought he was a simple and honest guy.”

Do these shyster lawyers who take up such cases do even have an iota of salt in them?



Do you know what your 12 year old is capable of? If you are not teaching viciousness at home then where are they learning it at; schools? What happened to education?



What kind of God and it’s keepers are these?




@IHM’s post, A Sari to Make You a Respectable Teacher found its match in A Skirt to Make a Glamorous Game

4 Responses to “DG’s Radar”

  1. Indian Homemaker May 26, 2011 at -04:0005 #

    I am writing a post called ‘Wrath of a man scorned’ and putting all such real stories together linking to this page.


  2. desibahu May 5, 2011 at -04:0005 #

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i just discovered another desi phenomana thanks to DG. the sister thing. i knew about this because v all know about this but i never realized wat it was.


  3. Haresh April 22, 2011 at -04:0004 #

    A married man forcing his wife’s sis to get married to him on stupid ‘reasons’.

    It makes me feel so sick! Everything looks so irritating here… the desire to have a male child, to ask to get married to another girl for THIS reason, that girl is wife’s sis and everything else x-(

    Haresh, men make such attempts because culture and tradition supports them.


  4. Indian Homemaker April 20, 2011 at -04:0004 #

    Bullying is extremely common amongst kids, they see adults do it all the time. Only the means are different, otherwise girls have, all along been known to ask friends to stop talking to someone they single out for bullying.


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AYUSH means A.Y.U.S.H. य़ानी Ayurveda + Yoga & Nature Cure + Unani +Sidhdha + Homoeopathy ; आयुष पान्च चिकित्सा विधियो को मिलाकर एक टर्म बना दिया गया है , जिसका मतलब [१] A word से आयुर्वेद [२] Y word से योग और प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा [३] U word से यूनानी चिकित्सा [४] S word से सिध्ध चिकित्सा [५] H word से होम्योपैथी चिकित्सा ; आयुर्वेद के अलावा भारत में आविष्कार की गयी और भारत सरकार द्वारा परीक्षित की जा चुकी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्व की पहली और अकेली आयुर्वेद की शत-प्रतिशत पूर्णतया स्वदेशी तकनीक "इलेक्ट्रो त्रिदोष ग्राफी : ई०टी०जी० आयुर्वेदास्कैन " , जिसका आविष्कार जून, १९८६ में कानपुर शहर, उत्तर प्रदेश, भारत के आयुष चिकित्सा वैग्यानिक डा० देश बन्धु बाजपेयी - मोबाइल: 09336238994 - e.mail : drdbbajpai@gmail.com द्वारा किया गया और जिसका लगातार विकास कार्य जारी है / E.T.G.A.S. तकनीक द्वारा (1) आयुर्वेद के मौलिक सिध्धान्तों का स्टेटस क्वान्टीफाई करने और इसी तकनीक द्वारा (2) शरीर के सभी अन्गों और प्रत्यन्गॊ में व्याप्त समस्त रोगों के निदान ग्यान की वैग्यानिक aproach की जानकारी कराने और सबसे नवीन दूसरी आविष्कार की गयी निदान और रोग ग्यान तक्नीक आयुर्वेदा थर्मों ग्राफी ; आयुर्वेदा ऊष्मा-स्कैन ; आयुर्वेदा थेर्मल मैपिन्ग एवम स्कैनिन्ग के अलावा आयुर्वेद की अन्य की गयी खोजों में तीसरी खोज ”आयुर्वेद हीमो-मीटर मशीन” द्वारा रोगी के रक्त का परीक्षण करके आयुर्वेद के सिध्ध्न्तों का मूल्यान्कन तथा चौथी खोज रोगी के पेशाब / मूत्र का ”आयुर्वेद यूरीनो-मीटर” द्वारा परीक्षण करके आयुर्वेद के सिध्धान्तो की उपस्तिथि के अलावा मूत्र के अन्दर पाये जाने वाले पदार्थों का विष्लेषण करके रोग निदान की विधियों की खोज रिसर्च सेन्टर द्वारा कर ली गयी है और रोगियों के लिये उपलब्ध करा दी गयी है ...आयुष AYUSH चिकित्सा विधियों के बारे में विश्वसनीय और सटीक और अचूक और सही जानकारी और शोध पूर्ण और शोध युक्त ग्यान बोध कराने वाला द्विभाषीय चिठ्ठा ...................................Ayurveda and AYUSH Therapies including Chines Accupunctur, Magnet Therapy,Physiotherapy etc and with this in June, 1986, invented by KANPUR, Uttar Pradesh State, INDIA based AYUSH Medical Scientist Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai - Mobile : 09336238994 - e.mail: drdbbajpai@gmail.com , completely indeginous AYURVEDA SCANNING Technology - "Electro Tridosha Graphy ; E.T.G.AyurvedaScan " system, EXAMINED & APPROVED BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA , by which (a) status of Ayurvedic Fundamentals are quantified and (b) examinaton of whole body for diagnosis of presence of anomalies and ailments , Second scanning system of Ayurveda Discovered and Invented by Dr. D.B.Bajpai ; Ayurveda Thermal Mapping and Scanning , Other research in Ayurveda is Third one which analysis Blood by AYURVEDA HEAMO-METER devise and Fourth one is AYURVEDA URINO-METER for analysing the contents of urine and status quantification of Ayurveda Principles and is avalable for patient in our research center...... provides information about Research and Developments technology provider , authenticated subject material publisher, Bilingual Hindi and English informer Blog


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